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Showing posts from June, 2014


REKRUTMEN CALON KARYAWAN GOL.III (MANAGEMENT TRAINEE) & GOL.II (PELAKSANA) ASURANSI JASINDO TAHUN 2014 Asuransi JASINDO – Perusahaan di bidang asuransi kerugian / umum dengan performance dan kinerja sangat baik membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang memiliki kompetensi dan profesionalitas tinggi untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai : MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (MT) PELAKSANA (PL) KUALIFIKASI UMUM Pria dan Wanita Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama masa ikatan dinas Syarat IPK minimal : Perguruan Tinggi Negeri : IPK 2.75 Perguran Tinggi Swasta : IPK 3.00 Mampu berbahasa Inggris baik lisan & tulisan Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia dengan menandatangani Perjanjian Ikatan Dinas Lampiran pada berkas lamaran berisi : CV. Copy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai terlegalisir, fotocopy KTP, Pasfoto terbaru berwarna (4 x 6) dan Foto Full Body. KUALIFIKAS...

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Pertaima

Gas - Engineer Floating Facilities ( GASEPM1402 ) PT Pertamina (Persero) 09/05/2014 - 30/06/2014   Job Description   1.Mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi pelaksanakan proyek floating facilities pada proyek FSRU Jateng yang meliputi tahap Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) sampai dengan Start Up sesuai kaidah HSE, spesifikasi teknis, jadual dan keekonomian. 2.Mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi koordinasi floating facilities pada proyek FSRU Jateng dengan Pertamina Shipping selaku asset holder dan seluruh fungsi yang terkait dalam pelaksanaan proyek baik internal Pertamina, Pemerintah maupun pihak ketiga. 3.Mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan proyek floating facilities pada proyek FSRU Jateng dalam hal anggaran agar auditable dan accountable. 4.Mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi integrasi secara teknis proyek floating facilities ke dalam proyek FSRU Jateng. ...

Lowongan BUMN PT Pertamina Gas - Analyst Planning & Scheduling ( GASEPM1404 )

Gas - Analyst Planning & Scheduling ( GASEPM1404 ) PT Pertamina (Persero) 09/05/2014 - 30/06/2014 Job Description 1.Menyusun & menganalisa kegiatan project planning & scheduling berupa perencanaan & pengendalian pelaksanaan terintegrasi dimulai dari kegiatan pra-proyek sampai dgn proyek selesai meliputi pembuatan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) termasuk format kemajuan proyek sehingga sesuai dgn jadwal & Business Plan Perusahaan & Pemerintah (untuk proyek dengan menggunakan APBN). 2.Menyusun & mengevaluasi kegiatan Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) termasuk network planning, resource planning utk mendapatkan nilai tambah & keuntungan bagi Perusahaan & memenuhi target kerja Pemerintah. 3.Melakukan analisa pelaksanaan proyek sesuai WBS & OBS proyek yg telah ditetapkan. 4.Menyusun & menganalisa kajian/evaluasi paska proyek (Post Project Evaluation) terkait dengan Planning &...

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Mechanical Electrical (ME) Estimator

PT. Brantas Abipraya perusahaan BUMN membuka   Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Mechanical Electrical (ME) Estimator Atriadea 26 June 2014 Requirements: Male or female Max 35 years old Minimum education background a diploma (D3) Degree in elecrtrical (strong current/weak current) and mechanical He or she has many experiences in estimating several projects such as: bulding, PLN distribution and transmission networking, manufacturing and roadlighting with min 5 years of working experiences in similar position Kualifikasi jurusan: Listrik, teknik mekanik If you meet those requirements, please visit our official website: before 4 July 2014.

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Project Manager

PT. Brantas Abipraya perusahaan BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara ) membuka  Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Project Manager Atriadea 26 June 2014 Persyaratan: Pria, pendidikan minimal S2 (Magister) Teknik Sipil Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun di perusahaan kontraktor sipil sebagai Project Manager dalam proyek skala sedang dan besar Memahami sistem kerja dan metode kerja bidang konstruksi Memahami sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001, 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 Memahami sistem manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (SMK3) Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah dan plosok tanah air Aktif berbahasa inggris yang baik secara lisan maupun tulisan Untuk informasi lengkap mengenai ini, mohon mengunjungi sebelum 18 July 2014.

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Marketing Executive

PT. Brantas Abipraya perusahaan BUMN membuka Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Marketing Executive Atriadea 26 June 2014 Requirements: Female with minimum 35 (thirty five) years old An undergraduate degree (S1) from civil engineering and marketing major Minimum 2 (two) years of working experience in construction or precast/ready mix industry as marketing officer Excellence appearance, self confidence, and self motivated type of person Good communication skill in english both of oral and business writing Willing to work with sales targets and under-pressure environment If you meet those requirements, please visit our official website: before 25 July 2014.

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi HSE Manager

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi HSE Manager Atriadea 26 June 2014 Requirements: Male, with max forty six (46) years old as per June 2014 Min. undergraduate degree (S1) and preferably a post graduate or master degree (S2) in health, safety, and environmental background or equivalent is a must Having four (4) years of experience as HSE Manager in construction industry Advanced knowledge of QMS ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001 as well as HSE corporate plan and implementation Experience in HSE audits and inspections Leading and delivering HSE programs such as mentoring, training and awareness programs, incident investigations, analysis and processes, and emergency response plan Strong organization skill, including the ability to quickly resolve problems and work with minimum supervision Able to work under pressure and tight schedule, inde...

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Proposal Tender - ME

PT. Brantas Abipraya perusahaan BUMN membuka Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Proposal Tender - ME Atriadea 26 June 2014 Requirements: Male is a must Maximum 30 years old Minimum education background a diploma (D3) degree in electrical (strong current) He has many experiences in preparing bid proposal for mechanical and electrical with  min. 3 years old working experiences in similar position Kualifikasi jurusan: listrik If you meet those requirements, please visit our official website: before 4 July 2014.
Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi Safety Staff di PT Brantas Abipraya Perusahaan BUMN Requirements: Male with max age 40 years old an undergraduate degree (S1) in health, safety and environment background have min. 2 years of working experiences in contruction industry with the similar position as safety staff in a big local construction company or a multinational company is and advantage If you meet those requirements, please visit our official website: before 27 June 2014.  

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi IT Manager

Lowongan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Posisi IT Manager di PT Brantas Abipraya Perusahaan BUMN Requirements: Male, with maximum forty five (45) years old as per June 2014 Minimum undergraduate degree (S1) and preferably a postgraduate or master degree (S2) in information and technology management or equivalent is a must Having three (3) years of excellence experience as IT Manager in construction industry Having good skill and knowledge in IT Master Plan and IT Governance Project Strong organization skill including the ability to quickly resolve problems and work with a minimum supervision Able to work under pressure and tight schedule, independently and proactively Good command of english booth written and spoken Excellent interpersonal and communication skill Show leadership and also good team member Have an EPIC culture values: Entrepeneurship, professionalism, inn...

Lowongan Kerja Pegawai Baru Bank BTN Posisi ODP, SS, CS, TS dan Sekretaris

Lowongan Kerja penerimaan pegawai baru di Perusahaan BUMN PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. (Bank BTN) untuk posisi Officer Development Program (ODP), Supporting Staff (SS) grade 9 - 11, Customer Service (CS) Staff, Teller Staff dan Sekretaris tahun 2014. A . KUALIFIKASI UMUM Warga negara indonesia Laki-laki/perempuan Belum menikah Usia ODP maksimal 26 tahun(belum berulang tahun ke 27 per 31 September 2014) Usia non ODP maksimal 24 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke 25 per 31 September 2014 ) Tinggi badan laki-laki min 160 cm dan perempuan 155 cm Berpenampilan menarik

Lowongan Pertamina

Material & Asset Accountant ( ACC-01-14 ) Material & Asset Accountant ( ACC-01-14 ) PHE WMO 19/05/2014 - 19/06/2014 Job Description 1. To maintain material monitoring and reporting (direct charge & inventory) 2. To review and monitor for material usage and material backlog in AFE and prepare material report for AFE close out 3. To monitor PSI (Placed Into Service) proposal and approval as required in PTK PIS 033 rev.1 4. To monitor surplus material ex project 5. To handle transfer and write off of material 6. To conduct physical check and stock take for inventory and fixed asset 7. To monitor PR (Purchase Request) and WO (Work Order) related to fixed asset 8. To perform daily activities related to inventory accounting (conversion joint to feet, price adjustment, PO subcon for material assembly, etc) 9. To handle audit matters 10. To coordinate with asset custodian for material inventory and fixed ass...

Lowongan Pertamina

AFE & Cost Allocation Accountant ( ACC-02-14 ) AFE & Cost Allocation Accountant ( ACC-02-14 ) PHE WMO 19/05/2014 - 19/06/2014 Job Description To ensure efficient and accurate cost processing, monitoring, and reporting. To perform invoice processing, cost allocation, and controlling (AFE and OPEX). To perform and monitor AFE (Authorization For Expenditure) related matters. To maintain monitoring and reporting OPEX budget and spending realization To maintain budget control set up and budget data upload to SAP To perform the monthly closing: Accrual preparation; Review preliminary monthly OPEX and AFE realization; Allocation of cost sharing; AFE WBS settlementDistribution process; Assessment process;Update/modification of cycles used in distribution and assessment process To maintain chart of account Job Requirement Min. Bachelors Degree or equivalent preferably in Accounting, Finance, Economics Min. 3 ye...

Lowongan Pertamina

Sr. Community Development Officer ( HR-02-2014 )  Sr. Community Development Officer ( HR-02-2014 ) PHE ONWJ 03/06/2014 - 03/07/2014     Job Description   1. Facilitate the initiatives of community development/KPO programs with all related parties 2. Perform regional mapping and assessment in connection with all related parties 3. Develop draft budget of community development/KPO programs 4. Perform implementation of all community development/KPO programs 5. Anticipate and resolve any related problems with local communities 6. Maintain and improve communication and relations with local communities, both local informal and formal leaders as well as local NGOs 7. Coordinate in any project familiarization with other company’s functions, such as HSSE, Operations   Job Requirement   • Min. Bachelors Degree in Mass Communic...

Lowongan Kerja PT Perikanan Nusantara (Persero) Juni 2014

PT Perikanan Nusantara (Persero), sebagai BUMN perikanan membutuhkan tenaga dengan posisi sebagai berikut :   Staf Perpajakan (1 orang)   Persyaratan :    Pendidikan minimal Diploma 3 (DIII) Jurusan Akuntansi.   Pria.   Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Min : Microsoft Word,  Excel,   Power Point).    Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun.   Usia maks 27 tahun.   IPK min 2,75.   Fresh Graduated are welcome.   Pekerja keras, kreatif, inovatif, dan menyukai tantangan.   Staf Pemasaran (1 orang)

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina

Sr. Community Development Officer ( HR-02-2014 ) PHE ONWJ 03/06/2014 - 03/07/2014 Job Description 1. Facilitate the initiatives of community development/KPO programs with all related parties 2. Perform regional mapping and assessment in connection with all related parties 3. Develop draft budget of community development/KPO programs 4. Perform implementation of all community development/KPO programs 5. Anticipate and resolve any related problems with local communities 6. Maintain and improve communication and relations with local communities, both local informal and formal leaders as well as local NGOs 7. Coordinate in any project familiarization with other company’s functions, such as HSSE, Operations Job Requirement • Min. Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication and Anthropology • Having minimum 7 years of working experiences in oil & gas industry with exposure to community relations • Having experiences in building networks/relationships with Gover...