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Lowongan Kerja 2013 PT. Holcim

Location : Jakarta 
Scope of works :
  • Responsible to all process in Solusi Rumah business in order to maintain, develop, & improve Solusi Rumah business and organization.
  • Plan, direct, and control overall performance of SR HIL CPM outlets  to achieve of SR CPM HIL business objective, market share, and profitability target (annually).
  • Direct, plan, manage and control overall Solusi Rumah enhancements, improvements and/or development necessary in order to create Solusi Rumah as a strong, sizeable and sustainable business.
  • Plan, control, and ensure overall maintenance and management of SR HIL CPM Operation & Infrastructure Management are ready and according to standard quality level.
  • Control overall SR CPM HIL implementation of Service Quality Assurance.
  • Plan and  control SR CPM Document Management to effectively follow up sales lead and to implement consistency of product and services.
  • Build and ensure the positive working relationship between Holcim SR and all third parties such as financial partners or banking institution, and related department in Holcim.
  • Develop & manage the alternative financial solution or plan a new model of financial solution in order to increase consumers’ approval of Holcim SR with control able risks.
  • Lead design and engineering teams to develop innovative and breakthrough solutions to design challenges with constraints in cost quality and performance.

Education :
Minimum Bachelor degree any major, preferably from Civil Engineering or Architecture background.
Experience :
  • Has a general insight in retail and/or consumer business, especially in channel management
  • Strong passion in business development
  • Strong drive for execution
  • Preferred working experience of 5-7 years on construction sites as project manager, assistant project manager, supervisor/ coordinator or architect, engineer, and designer
Computer literacy :
  • Proficient with Ms.Office (Excel & Word, PowerPoint) & Internet
Language :
  • Excellence communication skills in Bahasa and English (spoken & written)
Other qualification / skills :

  • Independent, self-motivated and tenacious.
  • Open to changes and to considerable variety in the workplace and adjusting effectively to work within new work structures, processes, requirements, or cultures.
  • Customer Focus: Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one’s actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relationship by continuous follow ups.
  • Excellent communication  skill - clearly conveying information and ideas through a variety of media to wide-range of individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and make decisions to purchase the products.
  • Sales ability/persuasiveness: using appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to gain acceptance of a product, service, or idea from prospective clients.
  • Team work - Able to work with and in a multicultural team.
  • Be open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace
  • Take on responsibilities and challenges
  • Lead, take charge, and offer opinions and direction
  • Have creativity and alternative thinking to develop new ideas for and answers to work-related problems
  • Willing to Travel all around Indonesia.
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